

I and Koryu Shugen Honshu remove 趙觀龍 in Hong Kong, all his member’s status from Koryu Shugen Honshu. We have recognized several of his undesirable behaviors. As the result, we have decide this judgment. Now, he is NOT belonging to Koryu Shugen Honshu, and lose the Dharma right to perform any ritual belongs to Koryu Shugen Honshu. We do not admit him as a teacher priest and organize any group and activities belonging to Koryu Shugen Honshu, he cannot wear our Kesa in public.

我及古流修驗本宗現在移除香港趙雲龍的弟子會員資格。我們得悉他的不當行為。基於這原因,我們作出除籍處理。 從今開始,趙雲龍不属於古流修驗本宗及失去修學古流修驗本宗法門的資格。我們不再承認他是古流修驗本宗的教師資格及不能再组織任何有關古流修驗本宗學習活動及小组。他也不能在公眾塲合穿古流修驗本宗袈裟。